“Creativity doesn’t wait for that perfect moment. It fashions its own perfect moments out of ordinary ones.” —Bruce S. Garrabrandt
Here is a fun exercise for you:
Suppose if I ask you how we can exercise on accessing our potent creative space such as moving from 1st logical zone, 2nd logical creative zone, 3rd creative logical zone and 4th pure creative zone. I wish to invite you for a small exercise. Kindly explore this question a couple of times and record your answers and rearrange your answer to explore what level have you explored in your creative space. The goal is to reach the 4th zone i.e. pure creative zone, and understand how we are chained limiting only till 1st and 2nd zone.
What is 2 + 2 if your answer is 4 and I ask you how? and you share with me your inference. It's very logical (Zone 1) you are simply using the stored information at your disposal, if your answer for 2+2 = to 22 and I ask you how? and you share with me your inference of its logical creativity (Zone 2) as you are taking information from your brain and logically presenting your creative space, if your answer for 2 + 2 is Life and I ask you how? and you share with me your inference on its creative logic (Zone 3). you are still struggling with accessing your pure creative space. however; if your answer for 2 + 2 is ocean (or anything) and i ask you how? and you say “I don't know” that’s where you access your full creative space, you don't bring your inferences (logic) interfere, you are suspending any assumptions, judgements and preconceived notions and that's the space to reach to operate from fully creative mindset where you then start moving from 4th zone to 1st zone and bring innovation in your thinking process, you are able to expand your frame of reference, many leaders get themselves lost in first 2 zones and do not access their creative space.
Use this tool with every team in your organization and help them to tap into their creative space.

How creativity helps you flourish like never before?
Success and growth are outcomes which come with a lot of creativity. When we say that, we are not indicating only financial success. A true accomplishment in life comes with you believing that you can be creative. In fact, not just creativity, but a lot of your productivity depends on your mindset. Happiness and growth, which contribute to success in different aspects of life, are a result of your mentality and your skill (hard work).
Now, you might have heard about creativity, but what is creative mindset? Well, it’s your mindset or thought process which makes you believe that you are creative. It’s a state of mind which allows you to be creative and accomplish your goals. It’s your own belief to believe in yourself. Success doesn't just come with “within the syllabus” hard work. It requires you to be passionate and go beyond the books to do something unique in all of the endeavors. This belief is inculcated and nourished by your experiences, lifestyle and thought process.
“Creativity is just connecting things. When you ask creative people how they did something, they feel a little guilty because they didn’t really do it, they just saw something. It seemed obvious to them after a while.” —Steve Jobs
A lot of you might believe that creativity is genetic. It might be, but to some extent. It’s an attribute which can be inculcated and nurtured with your effort. Especially, if you believe in yourself, have an unwavering goal and have faith in your potential, creativity will be far easier for you. Creativity isn’t just related to art and culture fields; it contributes to every single field of work. Be it business or job, a creative mindset will help you succeed in anything you do.
With a creative state of mind, you will look at problems as positive challenges to grow and not setbacks. “Everything you can imagine is real.” —Pablo Picasso
So, if creativity is not genetic for you, will that stop you from pursuing your goals? Of course not! You can reach greater heights by instilling this amazing quality.
So, how to develop a creative mindset? These 10 brilliant keys will guide you towards developing a creative mindset.
1. Spend Time with Yourself
Nothing beats this key to be creative and develop self-belief. Side park what others comment about you. Instead, sit with yourself, do some inner work and realize what your heart truly wants. However difficult it is, you can change it to reality for sure. If you have the power to imagine, you have the potential to fructify as well. This is the first step – spend as much time as possible with yourself.
2. Explain to Yourself
Actual learning doesn’t come through Google. It is derived from true life experiences. Expand your knowledge on things you truly love – you can certainly Google that. However, for experience-based knowledge, look within yourself. Figure out what works for you and what doesn’t. Understand what the internal blockages are standing in your way and work on those to heal and overcome. This doesn’t mean changing yourself from the core. Changing your core nature might not be possible and isn’t worth it, since that changes you as a person. Instead go through the much-needed transformation to be a better version of yourself and understand what you truly are.
3. Be Open to Life’s Surprises
Do not try to control the outcome of any event. Give your best to anything you do and then leave the rest in the Universe. Life is full of surprises and being open to all such infinite possibilities. This is one of the keys to a creative mindset. Always expect the unexpected and invite these with open arms.
4. Embrace laughter and happiness
It’s often said “Don’t take life too seriously.” Well, it's true. Be serious about your goals and ambitions. Make sure you give all your hard work. But, be playful. It is one of the attributes of creative people. They embrace happiness and humor like a kid. Trust, this is one of the keys to being creative in all walks of life.
5. Have a Growth Mindset
If you are already content with where you are and what you have, you are almost stagnated. You might be earning a lot and be complacent with your current situation. This certainly implies you have a “stagnated” mindset and not a developing state of mind. In such a case, being creative is a challenge. Always set new milestones for yourself and find ways to continuously grow. This is one of the best keys to develop a creative mindset and succeed in any walk of life.
6. Engage in Any Physical Activity
Sounds funny? Well, it’s the truth. Physical activity in some form or the other is always sound for a healthy mind and emotional state. Only when your mental state is in balance, can you actually be creative. Hence, either go for a stroll, engage in any hard work out or mindful meditation.
7. Persevere, no matter what
With all of the above keys, you can be overtly creative. But, if you don’t want to stop there and want to learn how to be more creative, then here are a few more additions to transform you to a newer level. Strength and courage come with unique life experiences you go through. If life throws you challenges, be courageous to embrace them and persevere. Make inner changes to let go of fears, anxieties and worries and emerge as a strong individual. Pull off your dreams and remove the fears, transform yourself from a fixed mindset and face the situation. This will help you unearth a lot of your hidden potential, which in turn will help you be creative.
8. Be inquisitive
Nothing can beat this key to develop a creative state of mind. The why, where, what and how still remain the four cue questions for creativity. These inquisitive questions will fuel a creative thought process. This will also help you develop a creative goal and set an unwavering focus towards it. A curious mind can only grow the roots of creativity! And, as you satiate your curiosity, you will be able to do smart problem solving and experience new things.
9. Take risks
Truly, without risks in life, there is no growth. With risks, there will be compromises and sacrifices, but they are worth it. You lose your comfort zone to reach a new high in life. Be ready to embrace the challenges and risks which come as you leave your comfort zone. All your effort to learn something new comes with a positive outcome.
10. Are you different?
This is the underlying key to everything. If you are not different from others, you cannot be creative. Thinking out of the box is very important for a creative mindset, else you will be stagnated. If you are the same like others, you cannot stand out from the crowd.
How do you feel about knowing the top 10 keys to develop a creative mindset? All ready to be highly successful in all walks of life? There might be 2 situations – you are all geared up and ready to embrace these all on your own to scale to a newer level. All hearty wishes to you for that! I am sure you can do this impeccably with immense strength and power of your own. However, there will be many to whom these might be daunting tasks. You might be lost not knowing where to start and adopting all the keys together might be intimidating. Well, that’s totally natural, even though you want to be successful.
Get in touch with a life coach who is not just certified, but also endowed with passions and true life experiences to help you transform to a version you can’t imagine now. Dr. Paras is one such name, an award winner globally acclaimed mentor, who has helped many like you in being creative and successful. The first thing is to start mindful meditation, before anything. This will get your mind, heart and body in alignment, a prerequisite to start any inner transformations.
Check out the amazing certification courses at Matrrix.