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Escaping the Mental Prison: Techniques for Achieving Personal Freedom

“Make peace with yourself, because your worst enemy lives between your own two ears.”

Dr. Paras
Dr. Paras
Aug 31, 2022
Escaping the Mental Prison: Techniques for Achieving Personal Freedom

“Make peace with yourself, because your worst enemy lives between your own two ears.” – Unknown.

We have all heard growing up “Your mind is your biggest enemy.” And, while I didn’t pay much attention to it when I was a kid, I do realize the kind of weight the phrase held as I grew up. The feeling of being drained with these useless and repetitive thoughts has become a norm in everyone’s lives.

What is even more hilarious is that we often act as experts helping others overcome their shackles but fail to liberate ourselves from similar confinements. And, while you are sitting there on your living room couch trying to figure out the best way to jailbreak these constraints, there’s only one lingering thought plaguing the back of your mind, “Is there a quick way for unlocking the cage?”

Would you be surprised if I told you that the key to the cage of your mind is in your clutch? You just don’t realize it yet. So, let me help you through it. In this article, I will be sharing the top ways you can escape the cage of your mind and strengthen your mind.

Is Self-Identity the Foundation of This Cage?

How do you define self-identity?

I was recently reading this novel by Lars Fr. H. Svendsen called “A Philosophy of Boredom”, where he states, “Self-identity is inextricably bound up with the identity of the surroundings,” and I think that’s one of the best descriptions.

We develop our self-identity through different phases of growth. It includes who we are as a person, the kind of memories we have had growing up, and the kind of hopes that we nurture in our minds surrounding our future.

Our self-image and self-esteem also contribute significantly to our self-identity. Now, you must be sitting here thinking, “What has our self-identity got to do with the shackles of our mind?”

Well, our self-identity shapes our mind, our thoughts, and the way we perceive things on a day-to-day basis. People’s biases and opinions also contribute to our self-identity, especially depending on how our minds have perceived it.

If the “present you” think that you are weak, chances are that the external feedback that you have received to date has forced your mind to process it as a fact.

But, is there a way to overcome this self-preservation and the restrictive thoughts about one’s self?

Technically, that’s where self-actualization comes into the picture. Let me tell you more about it.

How to Become Your True Self? - Jailbreaking the Cage

In order to understand Self-Actualization, we need to explore the “Hierarchy of Needs” as explained by Abraham Maslow.

Explaining the concept of self-actualization, Maslow states, “What a man can be, he must be.”

According to his theory, Maslow explains that Self-Actualization is what drives and motivates a person of their true potential based on their needs. These propel the personal and creative self-growth of an individual. Maslow’s theory suggests going from down the pyramid to the top, which is the state of self-actualization.

But, what if you did this a little differently? What if you directly aimed for self-actualization and then climbed down the barriers and the steps in the pyramid from there? Why can’t you tap into your optimal potential and strengths and then use that to manage your other needs?

One of the biggest issues that prevent us from setting our journey towards self-actualization is fear. The fear of rejection, the fear of failure, the fear of societal obligations, and so on. It's one of the biggest contributors that further strengthen the lock that cages our minds.

How to Overcome and Escape the Cage of Your Mind?

We are all gilded by the fear of rejection and failure. The constant chants of “What will people think if I do this?” made a permanent residence in my mind growing up. I couldn’t escape these ruminating thoughts and I am sure you can’t as well.

And, that’s fine, provided that you are working on overcoming them. There’s no point in letting your fear succumb to your potential because you are meant for something bigger. And, it's time that you take note of that.

Let me walk you through a few quick tips to escape the mind cage that I personally swear by as a life-leadership coach.

1. Cultivate The Courage You Have Suppressed Till Now

Comfort zone. Sounds like a cozy nook in your mind that’s probably adorned with fairy lights, a warm fireplace, and slow jazz music in the background. We all revel in it. But, do you realize how destructive it is?

“The only time you are actually growing is when you are uncomfortable,” is a very popular quote by T. Harv Eker that was published in the bestselling book, The Secrets of the Millionaire Mind.

And, how true is that though. Your growth is directly proportional to the opportunities you grasp. But, you are never likely going to reach out for any opportunities if your mind is still snugly fitted into the comfort zone.

Buckle up the courage, pick apart your mind and grasp onto that opportunity that makes you uncomfortable now but thankful in the future.

2. Take Responsibility for your Actions

“I think I shouldn’t have done that.” But, why? Did you stop to ask yourself why? Why do you think it was wrong? What could have been done differently?

If you want to escape the cage of your mind, you need to understand the WHY and then take responsibility for it.

When you accept the responsibility for your actions, you are more likely going to do something about it instead of regressing into the complexities of your mind.

Amy Cuddy in her novel, “Presence: Bringing your Boldest Self to Your Biggest Challenge” phrases a sentence, “Presence isn’t about pretending to be competent; it’s about believing in and revealing the abilities you truly have. It’s about shedding whatever is blocking you from expressing who you truly are. It’s about tricking yourself into accepting that you are indeed capable.”

And, that’s what your mind needs to process to work through the confines and cages, despite the hurdles and the challenges that cloud your way.

3. Take Action

“Clarity comes with Action,” is a phrase that defines our everyday thoughts. It is what keeps pushing us through and when your mind is shackled and you are confused about what you need to do, that’s where you take charge and take the action that’s needed.

It could be speaking your mind out in public. It could be spending time away from the place that’s clogging your mind. It could be taking on that opportunity that you have been brushing aside and pushing to the curbside.

Sometimes, it is those little things that make huge and lasting impacts on our minds and life.

4. Declutter your Mind

Sometimes, the clutter of your mind is best when it’s pulled out of your mind. The best way to do that is by journaling.

Even if it’s a brainfart, a rant or a spew of words, get them out of your mind and onto a piece of paper. Sometimes, it's okay to put down words that you never thought your conscious mind was capable of feeling. It could be judgemental, complaining or even selfish thoughts.

The primary objective of this exercise is to unload all the burdens that are clogging your mind. It's time to offload everything and breathe in a sigh of relief.


If you reach here, I want you to take a deep breath and tap into your inner peace. The ongoing chaos in your mind is momentary. It is a result of our troubled thoughts that will eventually subside. Don’t allow yourself to break down and accept defeat just because your mind seems to be playing a few trick games.

You are capable of breaking down the barriers and coming out stronger than ever. You just haven’t realized the way to do it.

So, why not give these tips a try? If things are still tumultuous and your mind is still in a place of unrest, consider life-leadership coaching. It's fruitful, self-reflective, and introspective in the best way possible. As a life-leadership coach with close to two decades of professional experience, I understand where you are coming from.

Consider sending a message my way? Our coaching services are accessible internationally and can be availed via https://www.matrrix.in/life-leadership-coaching.

I hope you found some value in this article. If there’s anything that intrigues you or piques your mind, feel free to leave a comment. 

Dr. Paras


Dr. Paras

ICF-certified (Master Certified Coach) and ESIA -Coach Supervisor Dr. Paras, and Co-Founder of Dr Paras Wellness Pvt. Ltd. with brand Matrrix has been focused towards initiating change and transformation in people. As a certified Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP) Master Practitioner and Mindfulness Coach, he brings a fresh approach towards learning the psychology of one’s thinking and behavior patterns. In his 18 years’ journey, he has trained, coached and mentored over 1.5 lakh individuals while certifying over 240 coaches. The leadership development programs of Matrrix have honed over hundreds of professionals while resolving workplace issues and ensuring higher ROI for firms.

Dr. Paras uses the power of coaching, counseling and positive psychology frameworks to resolve organizational issues, manage internal conflicts, and accelerate business growth. His programs for professional certifications in NLP, Mindfulness, Counseling, Coaching, and more have solidified his name as a transformation coach. Dr. Paras is also the founder of the Iinner Universe Education Foundation that runs Tava-Mitram (not-for-profit) to improve emotional wellness. He is also an avid blogger and social media enthusiast who loves keeping in touch with his international audience.

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