“3 years down the life, I see myself in the mirror and say – I am living the life I wanted and never settled for less”
We all want to achieve this state, don't we? But, do you really live the life you really want? Well, the majority actually focus on just survival – a state of status quo.
This is a state which is the most comfortable to live in and is often governed by others. This is a state of the plateau where you feel low or stuck. This means you haven’t yet reached your full potential. But, it’s not late yet. You have already realised that the state you are in is just a compromised state and you can reach your fullest potential.
What is Subconscious Mind?
You might have a ton of wishes running through your conscious mind, but if your subconscious is not on board, you can’t achieve anything yet.
The subconscious mind is that part of the brain which functions below the usual level of consciousness when you are awake. While you are eating, drinking, working or reading, it’s your conscious mind. You can comprehend the meaning of everything around in your conscious mind.
The subconscious mind is busy working behind these scenes. It takes the information and stores it at a deeper level. It absorbs every piece of information from your surroundings like a sponge. This starts developing right when you are an infant.
How Does Your Subconscious Mind Work?
All the information you received from your infancy has been stored below your usual consciousness, by the subconscious. If you have been called “worthless” or “lazy” before, your subconscious exactly accepted those and stored that info. Now, these drive thoughts and perceptions and limit your progress.
Your subconscious often works against you when it’s not rightly programmed. With any rejection, failure or challenge, you end up being frustrated and angry. These self-sabotages your own success.
Some of us might be self-motivated and try to overcome these and get ahead to some extent. However, most of us do not go for sustained efforts.
After a few days of hard work, we get back to settling down to where we were before – the plateau state. Be it personal relationships, finances, career, health, or mental well-being, our thoughts drive us to where we belong – a state of compromise.
Where Are You Limiting
You might have a dream of running your own brand and taking it to greater heights. You might aspire to have financial freedom. But, when it's actually the time to start, you see yourself frozen fearing the unknown.
You can always reprogram your mind to focus towards determination and a sense of fulfillment. Scientists believe that 96% of our brain’s processing is directed by the subconscious.
Can you change your subconscious functioning?
Being an adult now, you might try to throw away such negative thoughts from your mind and just filter out the positive. But, it’s not that simple. It’s been years of programming that stored every bit of positive and negative thoughts in your subconscious.
Your subconscious is the critical element to your success. So, can you change it now? Yes, of course! You need to reprogram your mind.
If you want to truly live the life you want, it’s time to spring into action. It’s time to set your intentions, commit and believe in those. You have the ability to achieve all of it you want. Take control of your mind and make it believe that you are achieving all of it.

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8 Ways To Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind
1. Surround With Positivity
2. Visualise
3. Express Gratitude
4. Binaural Beats
5. Meditation
6. Affirmations
7. Stay Away From Negativity Before Sleep
8. Keep Working Towards Your Goal
It might take a month to reprogram your mind or even longer. It depends on how deeply your beliefs are ingrained. Take a look at some of the ways which can assist you in reprogramming subconscious mind.
1. Surround With Positivity
Encircle yourself with thoughts and beliefs which are positive. Surround yourself with people with positive mindset and believe that anything is achievable. The Subconscious constantly absorbs information and draws beliefs from them. Avoid watching toxic news and staying with negative people. Do not inject an iota of negativity inside you.
2. Visualise
Your subconscious believes in what you visualise. The mind feels it’s already happening and that’s how it's manifested into a reality. Remember that success always depends on your power of belief.
Do not visualise negativity, fear or anger as the subconscious will believe these to be true. Instead, visualise only the positive and emit strong powerful emotions when you picture such wonderful things. Allow the positive emotions of happiness, love and joy to flow through your mind.
3. Express Gratitude
Practice expressing gratitude for all that you have. This gets you into the mindset of abundance. Your mind believes you already have what you want. This practice of rewiring the brain removes the lack of mentality and believes in all that it can have.
4. Binaural Beats
You can tune into binaural beats which are audio recordings meant to change the brain frequency. These beats create more receptivity by reprogramming your brain.
5. Meditation
Reflect more on yourself through meditation. Spend time just with yourself focusing on the life you truly want. Make yourself believe that you can truly be the one you want to be.
6. Affirmations
Install positive affirmations into your subconscious. Stay in the present while you say these affirmations repeatedly. Recite them as many times as you can by believing in them. When you chant affirmations, exude high vibrations.
7. Stay Away From Negativity Before Sleep
Subconscious works strongly when you are asleep. Before slipping off to bed, ensure you are in a calm and positive frame of mind. This is when your brain picks up the information and processes into reality when you are asleep. Listen to good music or meditate before crashing to bed.
8. Keep Working Towards Your Goal
No dream is achievable without effort. So, while you work on subconscious reprogramming, it should also believe that you are working towards it.
How To Know If Your Reprogramming Efforts Are Working?
Our subconscious minds are the “internal factories” that we physically can’t have any access to. So, even though you are putting active efforts into reprogramming your subconscious mind, there’s no way you can take it apart and analyze what’s still lacking and which part of it needs more work.
So, the most common question that most people have is, “How do I know if the reprogramming efforts are working?”
The easiest answer to that is self-awareness. When you have a feeble subconscious mind, you are more likely to emulate self-destructive thought patterns and consistently berate yourself instead of pulling yourself up.
A strong sense of self-awareness allows you to keep those traits in check and prevent them from sabotaging your efforts to strengthen your subconscious.
Following are some of the signs that your reprogramming is bearing fruits:
- Your sense of self-confidence and happiness is increasing and stable.
- You aren’t cocooning yourself to your comfort zone and instead willing to take opportunities.
- Your visions and goals in life are clear and exciting.
- Your inner conflicts are minimized, and you feel your mind at peace.
When you are working on reprogramming your subconscious mind, you will have a sense of growth and personal development, which will indicate a positive shift in your life.
If you are facing trouble in reprogramming your mind, reach us at the Matrrix. Our ICF certified coach, Dr. Paras, is specifically trained and experienced in helping you with the right ways to successfully rewire your mind.
Our customizable sessions have helped a number of clients who have soared high from the state of feeling stuck to success. Write to us to learn more about the sessions and also the benefits you can certainly experience with such courses.